I guess I should have expected it really. I watch football with all boys. It was like 7 to 1, as soon as the jacket came on the comments came out. It started off simple enough.
Boy #1: What's with the rain jacket?
Me: This is not a rain jacket. It is just a fall jacket.
Boy #1: Oh
An undetermined amount of time goes by. Boy #2 approaches.
Boy #2: That's a nice looking rain jacket.
Me: It's not a rain jacket. It's just a jacket. Like for the fall. (I say the last part with confidence.)
Boy #2: Oh
Me: I am going to do karaoke tonight. What should I sing?
Boy #2: Maybe Michael Jackson.
Me: Why Michael Jackson?
Boy #2: I think it's the jacket. Reminds me of Michael Jackson.
Me: (eyes rolling) Whatever.
I turn back to the game. A few more minutes go by. My friends Colleen and Tiffany show up. We talk for a bit. Boy #3 approaches to say goodbye.
Boy #3: Emily, I am outta here girl. Sweet rain jacket. I didn't know it was going to rain?
Me: (A little force in the voice) This is not a rain jacket. It is just a simple fall jacket.
Boy #2: (Turns as he hear me state my fact.) Smile creeps on his face.
Me: Why does everyone think this is a rain jacket?
Girlfriends: We think it's CUTE!
Boy #3: Hey, I am sorry (runs away as quickly as possible)
Boy #2: Emily, I really do like fashion. I like your jacket.
Boy #4 approaches and stares at my jacket for a second.
Boy #4: Emily, if this is not a rain jacket. What is that zipper doing in back at the top of your jacket.
Me: I freeze up a bit. I know what they are thinking. My jacket I have been defending has a hood zipped up in it. Damnit. They are going to call this a rain jacket.
Boy #4: Unzips zipper, rolls out a hood, and places hood on my head.
Me: OK so it has a hood. But does this jacket feel waterproof? Ha! I win! (I then ask them to roll the hood back into the zipper pouch and quickly change the subject.)
An undetermined amount of time goes by. Fun girl chat. Yummy whiskey drinks. And then Boy #5 takes a breath from flirting by the girl next to me. He looks up at me and a wild look creeps into his eye.
Boy #5: Emily, what is this Jacket that you have on. I must try it on. It's all Thriller-like.
Me: And here we go again.
Boy #5: Please let me try it on.
Me: No
Boy #5:(Un-deterred)
Me: Will you leave me alone if I let you try on the jacket?
Boy #5: Wild look in the eye.
Me: Here you go.
Boy #5: Does Thriller dance.
So needless to say. My jacket was a hot topic with the boys, but not in the sexy way. It was only in the Thriller rain jacket way. Whatever way that is.
After the jacket talk, we went to karaoke. I however did not choose Michael Jackson. I chose Bonnie Tyler. I chose "Total Eclipse of the Heart." And let's just say this tone deaf bitch got down. I may be tone deaf but I like to think I have a stage presence. In fact, my friend Colleen came to the stage to sing with me and I shooed her away. Sorry Girl! But never mess with a karaoke diva during a "Total Eclipse of the Heart" Solo.
you better have a repeat on Nov 13th!