Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I am now the Universe's Bitch

Last night I started reading a book. What book, you ask? We shall get to that later. But the book talks about noticing omens, listening to the universe, following your destiny, doing what you love, and learning that dreams are the purpose to life and when you realize your dreams you realize your purpose. So on and so forth,you get the point. So, I have decided to try it out. I am going to listen to the world, and I am going to be the Universe's Bitch. If you are thinking bad idea, Don't:) I am now 27 and still have no idea what I want out of life (other than to be happy of course) so what could this hurt.

This morning I woke up feeling refreshed. I went to work and got things done; I felt accomplished. At 2 o'clock I went to pick up a 19" LCD TV.  If you are wondering why I went to pick up such a tiny TV in the middle of a work's because the universe told me to........just kidding.

The real story goes like this. The other day my co-worker Mel said my name could put in a drawing for FREE Budweiser merchandise. All I needed to give her was my name and address. My first thoughts should have been, "Free Bud Schwag, what am I in college?" But like George Washington, I will not tell a lie (unless I cut down the cherry tree of course.)....Or wait was that Abe Lincoln?.....Anyways I am a little behind in the growing up/maturity level thing, so my actual immediate thought was, "Fuck Yeah! Put my name in for the free Budweiser Schwag!

 Being someone who wins nothing, I forgot about the whole thing. But I now have the Universe on my side, and a week later a card comes in the mail. I open it cautiously thinking a.) junk b.) I forgot to pay a parking ticket c.) I forgot to pay a bill. I almost threw the card right back into the mail holder because  Denial and "what I get in the mail" go hand in hand, but that is another story....back on topic. I open the card and I see WINNER- 19" LCD TV, I almost threw it away. A scam. I was even walking to the trash can when my eye caught glimpse of the giant Budweiser Logo.  Yes!!!!! I had actually won something!!!!!

So back to present day. The guidelines for picking up your free gift were strict. So at 2 o'clock I left work to go to Budweiser for my gift! For now it is staying in the box, and yes I checked inside to make sure it was there.

I would like to take this time to sidetrack for a thank you. Dear Mel, thank you for being a boozer with me. Thank you for knowing I would enjoy Bud Schwag! And I am sorry, you never got your awesome beer cart:) It would have made a great addition at work.  This moment would not be complete without a ridiculous picture of us boozing it up together. Hehe! Oh boy!

Ok. Now back to today. I came back to work with my new TV in tow. I was not about to leave it in my car and let it get stolen. You see my trunk is full of random storage at the moment, so the TV would have had to sit in the back seat. NO WAY! Not my free TV!

I get back to my cubicle and I have an email awaiting me that says my package has arrived. I knew exactly what this package was. It was my 5" brimmed black floppy hat! Another great note to a great day! I immediately rush to the elevator as my package is waiting for me 1 floor below. And here is when things get even better. If you know me, you know I love a good eye candy. Especially a good eye candy with sexy hair. And there it was a sexy hair eye candy also waiting for the elevator. This made me nervous at first because usually I am super awkward on any elevator ride. Just imagine it gets worse when eye candy's around. I usually just stare at my feet, or awkwardly stare, or sigh, or say something about the weather. All bad and awkward things.

Well today was different, I had the universe on my side. I mean in one day I had work accomplishments, a new free tv, awesome floppy hat, and eye-candy elevator ride. So instead of awkward stares and weather talk, I blurted out, "Today is a great day." Now some may argue that this statement was awkward within itself. I think the universe made it work for me. Either way (awkward vs. conversational genius) I was about to get my first live peek at my new floppy hat.

************************WARNING HUGE SIDEBAR AHEAD*************************
Proceed With Caution

So you wondering about my purchase. Well let's take another quick sidebar (Don't get angry it was duly noted above). My friend Calla is throwing a huge benefit for an amazing charity (Pencils for Promise). The benefit is themed, and I believe it is well known that I heart themes. The theme is, "When I Grow Up." You are supposed to come to the benefit dressed as what you wanted to be when you grew up. This idea is see the NGO builds schools in third world countries so that children everywhere can be what they want to be when they grow up! Hence the inguenity!

I began to think.....when I was a little girl what did I want to be when I grew up? Nothing came to mind. However I did remember picture after picture of me in a gold lamet dress and a black shoal. I usually pranced around sassily -and according to my little sister, bossily- in the outfit. I made a joke at lunch club that I must have wanted to be rich when I grew up. What a great costume idea they thought! I was satisfied with the idea, but I still needed to know if I had any grown-up ambitions as a child. I called my mother immediately. It was the middle of the work day. Conversation goes like this:

Me: "Hi Mom. Whatcha Up to?"
Mom: "I am at work. What's going on?"
Me (Serious Tone): "Mom, I wont keep you long but I need to know something."
Mom: "Ok (sound of the contstanant k trailing off in the background.)"
Me: "Mom, What did I want to be when I grew up?"
Mom: Silence
Mom: "You know I can't really think of anything in particular."
Me: "Yeah I couldn't think of anything either......(small sigh.)"
Mom: "Well let me think on it for a bit (Spoiler alert, nothing ever came of this.)"
Me: "Well I remember that Gold Lamet dress and shoal. I made a joke that I must have wanted to do nothing but rich."
Mom: "Well that sounds about right."

And the conversation soon ended. I was a teensy bit sad that my childhood self had no ambition, no dream, no drive. (Especially since the book I am reading states, "We learn our true passion for life when we are young.") Of course as a little girl, I played house, teacher, and what not. But I never had a specific dream to be anybody...Well, except for a girl in a gold lamet dress with a black shoal.

When I was little, I even had a birthday party where everyone came dressed as adults....they had to be  fancy. We had a tea party and a three tier cake, and of course in true fashion I donned my gold lamet and black shoal. At 7 or 8 years old, I had a birthday party that could basically be themed, "Small children pretend to be wealthy."

Scarily, this childhood ambition of mine to "do nothing" corresponds with my current life. I still have no ambition, and I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.  This is just another reason why I am currently the universe's bitch.

So back to the floppy 5" brimmed hat- I decided to dress as "Rich" at this party in November. And the floppy hat is part of my costume. More details of the costumer to come later. But I will give you a sneak peek. Wait till you see it on.

**********DETOUR ENDS HERE******************

After all this things could surely not have gotten better, but then I returned to my cube with my awesome hat and decided to check out one of my favorite websites ever. It is a blog, but not just any blog...its an awesome blog! It hasn't been updated in a couple of weeks and I have been so sad. But once again, lest we forget whose side the universe is on (come on people you have to get this by now.) I open the page and bam............. amazingness. A great new hilarious story about cake.......................

How much greater could a simple day be.

Ok. So the book I have been reading about destiny and listening to the universe. It is an international best seller and an easy read. But before I tell you more, let me mention some of the other books I've read in the past few months.

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the sequels- First book hard to get into but very good; end drags out a bit but ends with a surprise. Second Book could not put it down and the end (I won't say more).  The third book is closure.

The Help- Loved It! Easy Read and Very Touching. Portrays the old south in an accurate way. This book made me ask my mom why Mimi had a small bathroom with only a toilet in the laundry room. She swears it was not a bathroom for the help.

Water for Elephants- Another easy read. It is about the circus, which at first made me hesitant, but I loved it. If you just want to read a good story, this is it!

And now the current book I am reading is:

This is book can be as deep as you take it, but it is also a good story. I have a feeling this book will be read several times. But for now it has just made me the bitch of the universe.*  I hope that all you people out there are also reading some great books. If you have a suggestion, make a comment.

*Please note I do take this book very seriously and "bitch of the universe" is a crude phrase that I use in good blog humor.

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